Monday, April 13, 2009

By request: Aubrey

So I hear I haven't blogged Aubrey as much as the rest... Well, she's been busy too. She is our resident artist - after being an engineer, she desires to be an artist. She draws elaborate pictures and as you can see below also creates works of art out of food. (Looks like she has my weakness for cute food!).
Also, she has learned to ride a two wheel bike. She wanted to be able to, so she pretty much took off her own training wheels and taught herself. Now she rides in fast, wild circles all over the driveway every chance she gets.
Bunny continues to be her best friend, and I am still forbidden from washing him - so he has turned a lovely shade of gray.
Saturday, we decided to go to the library as a family. Brian aasked Aubrey to get her shoes on so we could go, but it never happened - so, she got a talking to. It turned out that Aubrey cannot keep track of her shoes and they are all lost somewhere. She felt she shouldn't be expected to find them-
Aubrey: I'm not a finder like Heidi!
Brian: I know, you're a loser - uh, no, wait, um - I didn't mean that...
Anyway, we sure to love her.

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