Thursday, June 11, 2009

The garden has grown

The garden is looking good. Still green. No dashes of color yet like yellow squash or red tomatoes. We are still looking forward to that.

The tomatoes are getting pretty tall. An inch or two daily isn't unusual.

We've been helping the green bean vines climb, but it seems they just do not climb until they are ready to climb. A very interesting lesson in life.

Brian lined all the walkways with a thick layer of hay to keep the crazy weeds from invading. It has been so helpful. I'm not much of a fan of cultivating and picking weeds.

Did you know potato plants made such pretty flowers?

Here are just a few of our growing tomatoes. I had to go out and give the flowers a good shake on the rest of the plants because they weren't in the mood to produce fruit. Haha! Now they are all going to town. I suppose that is also an interesting lesson for life.

I think the corn is probably our most visually appealing plant. It just looks so corney.

1 comment:

Julie said...

You have a beautiful garden!!!
Julie Brown