Thursday, June 11, 2009

A small little tiny dream come true

Two years ago I saw some beautiful colored glass mason jars at Dollar General. I put off buying them, but then I just had to buy a few. The next year I bought a few more and put them up for "later". I had a vision of stringing them up in the backyard and lighting small candles inside each one. Well, after spreading the hay in the garden, we had a bit of baling wire left over. I decided it was perfect to complete my vision, so I painstakingly made wire curly cues and nailed in nails for the wire to hang on. I then went inside and brought out all of my glasses. I had the girls wipe off the dust outside with a cloth. Then Joe got a couple and with one good bang, shattered a green one to pieces. Well, I took a "lets move on" attitude (after considering crying) and picked up every speck of glass I could find in the grass. Brian took the kids inside. I carefully placed the rest but one. When one of the girls came out I asked her to carefully hand it to me... but it didn't make it. Crash. (I really thought about crying this time - my beautiful glass I've been saving!!!) "Lets move on," I told myself and I ended up with five remaining jars. Five is more visually appealing than six anyway. (Seven would have been better though.) Well thats life. Here's the pictures.

1 comment:

Carlie said...

very cute idea for the jars. and i am so sorry about the casualties...five is defiantly better than seven.